Python Tools for Visual Studio extension (PTVS)

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Quick Guide to Vim Editor

Here is a quick guide to learn and use the Vim editor.

Basically, you always switch between two modes in Vim, which are command mode and insert mode:

  • In command mode, you move around the file, delete text, or execute other commands.
  • In insert mode, you insert and edit text.

During start, Vim is always at command mode.

  • To change from command mode to insert mode, press i/I/a/A/o/O (refer table below).
  • To change from insert mode to command mode, press Esc (escape key).
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How to Copy and Paste in PuTTY

What is PuTTY? PuTTY is a client program for the SSH, Telnet and Rlogin network protocols. Typically, you use it to remotely access a Linux server from your Windows machine. You can also use it to open serial ports (aka COM ports) and TCP/IP raw sockets.

A problem that often troubles the user is how do you copy and paste from the PuTTY terminal. So here are the tips.

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Wireframing Tool - Cacoo

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Installing PHP FastCGI and Zend OPcache on XAMPP for Windows

Why install PHP + FastCGI?

Mod-PHP comes installed with WampServer, and it is slow.

You also cannot utilise the Zend opcode cache, which is included with PHP itself since PHP 5.5.

Steps to install PHP + FastCGI

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Installing PHP FastCGI and Zend OPcache on WampServer

Why install PHP + FastCGI?

Mod-PHP comes installed with WampServer, and it is slow.

You also cannot utilise the Zend opcode cache, which is included with PHP itself since PHP 5.5.

Steps to install PHP + FastCGI

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Compiling Python Source into Bytecode

Normally, when a python module is imported, python automatically generate a .pyc file containing the compiled byte code. The next time the same program is run, the compilation step can thus be skipped.

However, in order to manually pre-compile the python modules even before running them, here are two ways of doing it:

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Installing Django on Windows

Django is a Python web framework which allows rapid development of website by following the Model-View-Controller architecture.

To install Django, definitely you need to have python installed first. If you haven’t, download it from the official website here.

After python is installed, the recommended way of installing django is to use virtualenv to manage the django installation. Therefore, you need to have virtualenv installed first. Here goes for the steps:

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Migrating from TortoiseSvn to TortoiseHg

SVN is the centralized repository system that many developers should have been familiar with. Mercurial (Hg) is one of the latest distributed repository system that is gaining popularity, besides Bazaar and Git. TortoiseSVN and TortoiseHg are GUI tools to manage SVN and Hg respectively in windows. That said, this note would apply mostly to windows users.

I would demonstrate two options to the migration but the outcomes might not be the same and I would detail the difference of each.

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Command Line Tips & Tricks for Ubuntu Server

Tips & Tricks
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